For Reviewers
| Post date: 2018/03/13 |
The peer-review process:
All manuscripts submitted to J Res Dev Nurs Midw will receive an ID and undergo editorial and peer-review processes. Steps of the review process are as follows:
- Manuscript submission: The author(s) can submit manuscripts through the online system according to the journal’s format. The information required for the submission process can be found through:
- Editorial assessment: Primarily, the editorial board will check all manuscripts submitted in terms of relevance to the scopes of thejournal and novelty of findings.
- Editorial approval: Satisfactory manuscripts will be approved by the editor in chief. The originality and novelty of the manuscript will be considered in this step.
- Reviewer assignment: Based on the subject and keywords of the manuscript, at least three reviewers will be assigned including two or more scientific reviewers and one mythology reviewer (if applicable). The review process will be blind and the reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author in four weeks. Manuscripts with grammatical errors or poor English writing will undergo language editing free of charge.
- Decision: Final decision will be made regarding the comments of the reviewers. The results include accept, minor revision, major revision or reject.
- Final edition and production: the manuscript will sent back to the author with the decision letter. In the case of revision, all the reviewer's comments should be addressed and revised accordingly. Then, the paper will go for the final production and publication.
All review processes (from manuscript receiving to the final decision) will take about three months. The current acceptance rate of J Res Dev Nurs Midw is estimated 75%. Summary of the peer-review process is presented in the diagram below:
How to become a reviewer:
To get involved as a reviewer with J Res Dev Nurs Midw, you can register through the web site J Res Dev Nurs Midw will be honored to have a complete list of expert and professional team of reviewers.
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